

    Tambuyog  in partnership  with  Denmark-based  non-government  organization PUGAD,  or  People  Uniting and Generating Aid for  Development,  has  already  implemented  the  following   phased-projects  since  2011 and is  currently  implementing  a  third  phase.   


    PHASE  1  - Developing an Appropriate Framework  to  Municipal  Fisheries Registration and  Licensing (MFRL)  System.

    Implement from July 2011 to December 2012,  this  project  aimed   to  develop   an appropriate  framework  for Municipal  Fisheries  Registration  and Licensing (MFRL) system,   owing  from  the   observations that the current  system being implemented has inadvertently failed to address some key issues, like the low  registration turn-out due to misconceptions on the  implications of MFRL,   the exclusion in the  registration form of fishing activities commonly associated with women-fishers,   the establishment of  resource-rent for municipal  fishery  as basis for licensing or permitting fees.

    The  development  of  the   framework  was  culled  from  the  lessons of  the following major project  activities:  case  studies  of   MFRL  system  and practices  of five  coastal  municipalities in  different  fishing  grounds in the Philippines;  study tour  and case study on  the small  scale  fishers in South  Africa  which touches on their struggle  for   recognition, governance, and  sustainability  of their fisheries;  and from a multi-stakeholders conference participated by municipal fishers, LGUs, BFAR, and  representatives of  Danish, South African, and Malaysian  non-government organizations working in  fisheries.  These  learning opportunities provided the  project   rich  information in  coming  up with  an  enhanced  framework for Municipal Fisheries Registration and Licensing  System, which recognize  fishers as  partners for municipal fisheries  development  and established  the inclusion of  women gleaners and shell gatherers  as part of municipal fishers.  


    PHASE  2 -  Promoting  an   Enhanced Framework  in Philippine  Municipal  Fisheries Registration and  Licensing (MFRL).

    Implemented  from January 2013  to  December 2014,  this  phase  improved  the  capacities of  both  LGUs and  fishers in  implementing an enhanced  MFRL system, and  linked  it  to  municipal fisheries resources  management through  the formulation of  a Municipal Fisheries Development  Plan (MFDP) in three municipalities in each of  the fishing grounds of Tayabas Bay and Tanon Strait .  This  phase has  prepared partner  fishers organizations  for  the  twin  roles  of   fisheries resource management  and enterprise development.




    PHASE 3 – Capacity Building  and  Advocacy toward  Fishing Ground-Based  Management

    With  a  clear  right to claim  achieved through fisherfolks registration and the municipal fisheries  development direction set through the MFDP, this project  aims  to  contribute in addressing  the fragmented production  system of  municipal  fisherfolks and post-harvest  losses  by  establishing  village-level  post-harvest  facilities in the  fishing grounds of  Tayabas Bay and Tanon Strait.  This objective is coupled with  the objectives  to  develop  livelihoods  for women linked  with  the post-harvest facilities.  Capacities  in replicating   non-fishery  based livelihoods will  also be developed to diversify  livelihood  sources of women,  due to the  increased  exposure of fishing  communities  to climate related risks. The third objective  under this  project  is  to  develop a fishing ground-based  management  framework  because  of  incoherent and oftentimes conflicting   policies and implementation practices  in  the common  fishing grounds of Tayabas Bay and  Tanon Strait.  

    Project implementation covers January 2015  until  June 2017.